Apart from my main hobby of crocheting, one of my other interest is creating 3D paper models.  Lots of printable downloads are available on the internet to create stunningly good looking three dimensional paper models.  This  mainly involves taking printouts, cutting, folding, and gluing the pieces together to make splendid architectures, monuments, toys, vehicles, animals, birds etc..anything you name, you get the model on the internet.  My interest mainly lie on the architectural/monumental side.

These are some of the models I’ve made 🙂 …They all have worn out somewhat because they are all around 8 to 10 years old 🙂 .  They include Eiffel Tower, Neuschwanstein  Castle, Taj Mahal, Angkor Wat, White House, Big Ben…

I used the below-mentioned sites to download the printable models 🙂 …

Canon Creative Park

Paper Toys

Disney Experience

Seven Wonders

Many more sites are available with free models, in that I found these most useful with many beautiful perfect models 🙂 …







For my crochet creations, check earlier posts or


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